About Doreen Paige
In 1972 Doreen Paige began judging dogs of various breeds and today is an International Judge, – judging at many Championship Shows in the UK and abroad. She first formed her company “Natural Skin-Care” in 1977, ensuring all the products were developed without the use of harsh chemicals. These products were developed with the safety of her dogs to the fore and came from her Fathers knowledge and understanding of animal welfare. Her products are now used all over the world on dogs, cats and horses with great success.
In 2005 Doreen decided to take early retirement and has passed on her business and all of her knowledge to Valerie Peirce, an Afghan Hound owner and breeder who understands the need for exceptional grooming products! Valerie has owned a multitude of animals including Afghans, Borzois, Welsh Mountain Ponies, thoroughbreds, cats and a myriad of smallholding farm animals.
Valerie first began showing with the Welsh Ponies in the 1980s and moved into showing dogs in the early 1990s, having owned Afghan Hounds for 30 years. She has always been a fan of naturally derived products that work with the skin to bring out the best the coat has to offer. Valerie is proud to take over the mantel from Doreen and is striving to promote and develop natural products that will help your animal look and feel fantastic.
As many of you know, the Doreen Paige trade stand is a regular at most Championship shows in the UK. Contact us and let us help you find the perfect product to make your dog look like a champion!
Natural Products
Nature has provided us with a host of herbs and plants whose unique properties can benefit the coat and skin.
Natural products are safer, more gentle and equally effective
- Natural shampoos
- Natural conditioners
- Finishing sprays
- Natural Remedies
- Perfume And Essential Oils
- Food Supplements
- Dog Brushes
- Show Enhancing
- Remedies
- For The Owner